
“The history of astronomy is a history of receding horizons.” — Edwin Hubble.

As an astrophycisit, I study how galaxies evolve and their connections to dark matter, a still-unknown type of matter that makes up roughly 25% of the universe. I mainly use images from Hubble Space Telescope, Spitzer Space Telescope, and Keck Telescopes to measure the properties of distant young galaxies. Recently I am looking for really faint galaxies magnified by gravitational lensing; these galaxies are likely the driving force of reionization and would not have been detectable without lensing. For a summary of my research activities, please see here.

Besides astronomical data, I also enjoy working on other types of data. I was a data scientist at Engage3, where I worked on data of retail products. I also participate in Kaggle data science competitions.

Banner: a Hubble image of galaxy cluster Abell 1689. The "arcs", or apparently thin curves wrapping around many galaxies, are actually galaxies behind the galaxy cluster; their light is being distorted by the gravity of the galaxy cluster as it travels towards us. (Credit: Space Telescope Science Institute.)

Things I Do

I try to enjoy my work as much as possible, and outside of work, I get to do some really fun things.

A Few Accomplishments

Some highlights of what I've done recently...

Discovered a cool distant galaxy

We discovered a distant faint galaxy using Hubble Space Telescope. And it's triply imaged due to gravitational lensing. This galaxy could be the type that we think are responsible for "reionization". See the press release by Keck Observatory here.

Finished 2nd place in fantasy baseball

I competed in Ottoneu, the fantasy baseball platform run by the analytics site Fangraphs. I finished 2nd in our league, Imaginary Hammers, that was among top 5 in the 4x4 format in 2016.

Competed in Kaggle

I participated in data science competitions on Kaggle and worked on predictions of Titanic survival and housing prices in Iowa. I am planning to work on Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning projects next.

Contact Me

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